Monday, February 26, 2007

That time of month.....

Bills and balancing the checkbooks! It is also worse because I am just now starting to work on the taxes for us and the business too. This is the first year I have had to do this at all! Mom has done the business in the past and Dirk has done our personal returns. YUCK!!!!!

This is something I needed to learn a long time ago, I just kept putting it off. Now I am in a sink or swim situation. I will swim and everything will be fine, I may even figure out a way to enjoy it :)


Colleen said...

This is freaky! What did you do to make the paperwork look like this ~ almost like ice? Are you saying it's possible to make our bills melt away??? ;-)

LauraLiz said...

Oh....THAT time of the month! :-)

Sandie said...

Laura LOL! I haven't had THAT time of the month for a few years now :)

Colleen, I wish they would melt! I used the chrome filter on photoshop. After I took the shot I thought about too much info on line. Even though I fuzzed the orginal picture a bit there were still a few numbers that might have been read by a really diligent dihonest person. So, I chromed it up!