Monday, February 12, 2007


I am feeling a bit better, but my head still hurts. I think I might be due for a hair cut :)


SUSAN said...

Wow, the color in that first one is vibrant. I'm still thinking about the second one...something Star Warish about it. ;-)


Dalissa 365 said...

I really like the first one a lot. I think it's because your hair looks so pretty in a bun (not too mention the shocking colors!)

Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.

Dancingirl said...

The bottom one makes me chuckle. I couldn't see you in the first one, so I'll go back and look again.

Dancingirl said...

Hey, cool! I see it now. I didn't at first, but Dalissa's comment about the bun helped.

Katrina said...

You are too funny!! LOL

Anonymous said...

I love the second one!! It reminds me of a little doll I had when I was a teenager that was all hair and a nose (form the 70s...anyone remember them?) I can't remember what they were called, I just thought it was pretty cool (but I'm weird like that!) =)