Thursday, April 5, 2007

Maundy Thursday

During the Last Supper, Jesus washed his disciples feet.

The name 'Maundy' is derived from the command or mandatum by Christ at the Last Supper, to love one another: 'And now I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.' John 15:12


Ampersand said...

It really is such an intimate act...and so meaningful.

Unknown said...

Whose foot? :) Nice shot.

Sandie said...

It is Dirk's foot, being washed by his EFM teacher.

MaryD said...

It's a nice picture, and I'm impressed that Dirk let you take it! Seems like most of the time people are self-conscious when they're getting their feet washed, and photographing it might add to that... Glad you had a cooperative dh to help you capture the memory of serving one another in humility...

Dancingirl said...

I love this picture and what it portrays. It's cool that both have bare feet.

Susanne Barrett said...

I was in tears at our foot washing; it is indeed intimate and speaks of Christ's intimate love for us.

I didn't have my camera handy, but the Beadle took a photo of Father Acker washing my feet, so if I can get a hold of it.....