Monday, March 17, 2008

March 16 (Palm Sunday)


SUSAN said...

Love the red draped over the palm!!

For privacy reasons I needed to change my photoblog address. Here it is:


Gawdess said...

the kids in their robes with bowls of chips, I love the contrasts there and I really like the shiny surface behind the palm in the second sho too.

Sandie said...

I went back to look, and I can see you those bowls look like chips, but they are really palm crosses that the kids and the ladies of the church made for Palm Sunday. The kids were reaching in to hand them out. :)

Susanne Barrett said...

Love the Palms -- we didn't have any at Lake Murray (evangelical church) ... pout, pout. We usually do, but the woman who dcorates the church forgot to have people bring them. :(