Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Lost camera!

I stupidly lost my camera on the one actual city bus we took. It was an adventure. I hope some good person finds it and turns it into lost and found. It has some really amazing photos from the Duck tour and the Native American Museum on it. I did use Dirk's camera today and Ampersand has many images that are of a similar nature. I will be will using my 35mm tomorrow on the trip home, but was talked out of carrying it around the city today.

It has been an amazing trip and I can't wait to actual get home and post pictures and write about the trip!


Paula said...

Oh, what a bummer. I hope you get your camera back. I finally have had a chance to look at blogs. It's been fun catching up on yours.

SUSAN said...

So sorry about the camera but I'm glad you are having a great time!!


MaryD said...

Oh how disappointing to lose the camera! I'm still looking forward to the trip pictures though!