Friday, December 29, 2006

Still cooking.....

This is my image for today. The bright pink reminds me of all the vibrant energy I am getting from eating live food that my body can actually digest!

I included the larger shot of yogurt herb bread and beet tonic. I wish you guys could smell through the computer. My house smells amazing right now! I have spent the day cooking and doing prep work. It is still hard to get my mind around food taking 3-7 days to make. I understand why a lot better than I did. The more I work with and eat this amazing food the more I am inspired to keep learning and really get a good system of prep going so all I am doing most of the time is maintaining.


my15minutes said...

Great the strange perspective and the vibrancy. What all have you been cooking? I haven't gotten to the point yet of nurturing along a bunch of her recipes (making whey is about as far as I've gone in the foresight department!)

Sandie said...

Hi and thanks....

In the last two days I have either made or started: beet tonic, herb bread, dill pickles, rice milk, almond milk, sourdough starter, yogurt cheese (which with vanilla and honey tastes enough like marscrarpone to make me think I can make cheese cake or canolies :) ), 4-5 batches of whey, started sauerkraut, the soaked oatmeal (I make this almost daily), and fresh tomato soup with coconut milk...I will probably be blogging or posting everything we are learning about coconuts...

I have also been pouring over the book looking for ways to tweak our current traditional recipes like using coconut oil in place of crisco(I only use this in one cookie where nothing else has worked), or creamed coconut in place of cream in many dishes.....

my15minutes said...

My gosh you're industrious. I've made that yogurt cream cheese, and it's divine, isn't it? I love the soaked oatmeal also, and how quickly it cooks up the next morning. What are you going to do with the beet tonic? Are you guys lactose intolerant or something?? I haven't made any of the alternate 'milks', but I have started drinking raw milk and eating raw milk cheeses. Good for you!

Sandie said...

The doctors still don't know exactly what is wrong with Dirk, but they know it centers around his immune system and glands. The beet tonic and the Coconut milk are used in the treatment of immune diseases (even aids) and so I am hoping they will help him.

We are all very allergic to actual milk. I was very skeptical about the whey, yogurt and raw cheese at first and used only the lemon juice options. But, the more we get away from soy and use the lacto-fermented products the less the milk allergies seem to bother us.

Dancingirl said...

Wow! Nice picture! (I also love the one of the cookbook cover.)

This is fun!